Stay on your toes. Keep your elbows in. Don’t be afraid. You may be smaller, but just gather your courage, and when you hit, hit hard.

25 August 2008

I Love It When It Rains...maybe...sorta...ok not really

Well, at least not today. I think today was the most humid day yet and it was just building up to the afternoon rainstorm. It was so crazy, I know all that water on my skin was not sweat...I don't even sweat that much!

Anyways, here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure...

Morning workouts on the track at Pin Oak...this is from my back porch! :D
Soon this will be me! (Next week actually I get to ride, hopefully one of the racehorses!)
First week in KY I got to play jockey at the Kentucky Derby Museum
Me and Big B at the KY Derby Museum
Where I work everyday.
Ooo....a clown! In riding gear?
I'm branded...yeppers! And this vest is supposed to protect me how? It's so light!

Final Word:
I'm tired of eating sandwiches for lunch so if any of you have any good ideas for lunch other than that and microwave stuff like hot pockets...please share! Crockpot recipes would work as long as they don't take too long to prepare in the morning.

Thanks! Adios amigos!

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