Stay on your toes. Keep your elbows in. Don’t be afraid. You may be smaller, but just gather your courage, and when you hit, hit hard.

28 March 2009

Raise Your Hand If You Agree

(To start I'm back in Washington State...more information on next post)

Please read with lightheartedness!

1. You are sick of winter.

2. You look at pictures of flowers and house plants to imagine what Spring is like.

3. You can wake yourself up at 4 a.m. when by yourself, but you cannot seem to wake-up at all on your own at your parents.

4. You can't make up your mind.

5. Your sick of hearing about the economic crisis from a media that blew it out of proportion in the first place.

6. Enough with the 'global warming' (See comment #1)

7. We should be able to make up our own words that make it in the dictionary, just like Shakespeare. (This would be splendiforous!)

8. Mundane is, well, mundane.

9. Winter clothes are way too bulky.

10. Arizona sounds nice right now.

11. ...or Grand Cayman...

12. ...even California!

13. Writing in a blog late at night when you cannot sleep might not be the best idea.

That is all folks...thanks for reading!


You will be missed.
We will always love you Butter-Boy.
You have touched the lives of many.


Jason and Christy said...

But But sad- sorry. I hope it went nicely for him. Miss you. How have things been going. Agreed with a lot of what you said.

Tasha said...

Completely agreed with most of the stuff you said. Hope you're somewhat enjoying yourself. Miss ya.