Stay on your toes. Keep your elbows in. Don’t be afraid. You may be smaller, but just gather your courage, and when you hit, hit hard.

16 December 2009

Winter is here!

And I want out! I know people say they like four seasons, but is there anywhere where they aren't quite as extreme?! Granted we do not have the Wyoming wind, but snow, rain, freezing rain and sleet all in one day? Whew. So three of the Thoroughbreds are down in New Mexico, I'm not sure how they are doing, but I hope it's great!

I've posted some fun pictures, so enjoy!

McGee the Papillion, the picture is from last year, but it's festive

Two time Horse of the Year Curlin

Who totally would not want to stick their dog in a pillow case, it's only natural right?

Bad ear hair day for McGee, static and Papillions don't mix well

An elk I saw on the way to my grandparents, here they are a nuisance

We released these little gals (& guys?) in the spring on
Bet on the Bay, or little miss temper as I nicknamed her, she's still here in WA got hurt

The handsome devil Trigg. A Lapponian Herder puppy.


Rubyjuice said...

I think trigg and minion would be best of friends!!

Christy And Jason said...

Oh little Trigg is so cute!! only 3 more years until I can have a DOG!!!!!!!! Good luck with your interview!