Stay on your toes. Keep your elbows in. Don’t be afraid. You may be smaller, but just gather your courage, and when you hit, hit hard.

28 June 2011

Karo Syrup Cure?

Ah another day in frustration paradise! Guimauve got his blood drawn today for the previous mentioned tests. Then it was time for the barium study. Just as a preliminary, radiology took lateral radiographs (on his side) to see if he had any food in his stomach. Guess what?! Even though he had not eaten since 6 pm and it was about 11 am, he still had food in his stomach. So much for the barium study!

The decision was made in the afternoon to do a fine needle aspirate of his mesenteric lymph nodes to rule out lymphoma before we do any more diagnostics. I will know the results in the morning.

However, in anticipation of a possible endoscopic biopsy of his intestine. Dr. Costa gave me Karo Syrup for his dinner today (6/27). She said it was mostly so I felt better because he has not eaten anything in over 24 hours. I think she feels guilty. Funny part was, tonight he was acting like his normal self for the first time in awhile. He was stealing my socks and was just a ball of energy. Maybe I should invest in this sweet elixir...

Crossing fingers biopsy tomorrow, answers by Thursday!

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