Stay on your toes. Keep your elbows in. Don’t be afraid. You may be smaller, but just gather your courage, and when you hit, hit hard.

27 June 2011

Your Dog is Weird

The words you definitely want to hear coming out of your vet's mouth right?

Last night Guimauve had diarrhea every two hours. This sort of started Friday with some diarrhea, but Saturday his stools were mostly normal until the evening. I had a suspicion it was the metoclopramide we started him on to increase his gastric motility.

This morning I had to go into the hospital early to run blood from the research project I am working on, so I figured I would stick my head in and see if Marcie was in. Voila! I was in luck she was in. I told her what was going on and she said she would call Dr. Costa in a bit when it was not quite so early. I spun the blood down and returned to find Marcie.

Today was my lucky day, Dr. Costa happened to be working at the hospital today and was learning about the cases received overnight and then I could talk with her. Not long after Marcie tells me this Dr. Costa walks through the doors and stops dead in her tracks and looks at me then Marcie and back to me with a look of "Oh no, now what?!" on her face. I felt kind of bad, but at the same time it was a pretty priceless look.

I explained to her the diarrhea and we decided to take him off the metoclopramide which seems to have worked so far.

As I was walking away Dr. Costa told me I had a weird dog and I just smiled and shook my head saying I know.

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